Hello, we’re The Gentlemen Songsters

Who we are

Established over 60 years ago and with over 60 members, we perform regularly in and around the Black Country and beyond, with a wide repertoire of songs, old and new, delivered in our own unique style.

Our upcoming performances are announced on social media and on this site. Go to HEAR US for details of our concerts and to buy tickets online.

We’re available to sing at your events, and can adapt our repertoire and outfits to add a touch of magic to a wedding, private party or a corporate event. Hiring us can be a great way to raise money for good causes. Want to know more? go to HIRE US for more details and an enquiry form.

Being a member of a choir is a great way to enjoy a rewarding hobby and meet new people. You’ll receive a warm welcome to the group and can sit in or participate in rehearsals to work out if its for you. Go to JOIN US to find out more and read about the experiences of some of our newer members.

We are a registered charity and have raised thousands of pounds for good causes over the years. We can also deliver your corporate messages through sponsorship or advertising. If you are interested in talking about opportunities to SPONSOR US, get in touch and we will tailor a package to your specific needs.

Latest News

A special appearance

A special appearance

We were honoured to be invited to The Black Country Museum to perform at the Lord Lieutenant's retirement...

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Long service awards

Long service awards

John Walley topped the list of the choir's long service award recipients at the 2024 Annual General Meeting....

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Gentlemen Songsters’ Upcoming Events

Springdale Charity Concert April 2025

Friday April 11 2025

Springdale Methodist Church